samedi 19 mars 2016

Replay – Chrono Trigger

For the second consecutive week, Replay dives deep into Square Soft's catalog of games. In this episode, we travel back to 1995 to look at Chrono Trigger, a Super Nintendo RPG the melds the vision of Hironobu Sakaguchi with the art of Akira Toriyama.

Although we begin the episode with a look at Chrono Trigger's opening moments, we revisit save files that take us deeper into this time-traveling journey. From the dinosaurs to mankind's bleak future, we show off as much of this game's overworld and combat as possible.

After a short commercial break, the 2016 Super Replay Showdown begins. First time show runner Wade Wojcik has big plans for this competition, namely turning it into an actual competition unlike Ben Hanson's twisted and strange tournament from last year.

Let us know who you want to win the Showdown in the comments section below, but please don't post who won the rounds. We'd like everyone to go into this fun competition surprised. Thanks again for watching Replay. We'll see you in seven days!

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