lundi 28 décembre 2015

Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy


Instead of taking addictive prescription medications or having surgeries that take months to heal from, many people are opting for chiropractic care when they are suffering from chronic pain. This type of medical care is when the chiropractor makes adjustments to realign the spinal cord. This helps to alleviate pain, and it promotes overall good health. Many people wonder if this type of care is safe for pregnant women. There are no studies to show that it is not safe, and many say that it is actually a good thing for pregnant women.

Specialized Training

All chiropractors are trained to work with all types of patients, including those who are pregnant. In fact, some chiropractors even go on to take specialized training in prenatal and postnatal care. Chiropractic care can also help women who are having difficulties conceiving. In many cases, chiropractors who work with pregnant women use special tables that can be adjusted to accommodate their body shape. They also use special techniques that prevent any unnecessary pressure in the abdominal area, which can be painful and also cause harm to the unborn baby.

Alternative Treatments

In addition to doing spinal manipulation, chiropractors also offer other forms of treatment. This includes showing their patients exercises that will help them to be more mobile and experience less pain. There are special exercises that are shown to pregnant women, including mild stretches that are perfectly safe to do throughout their pregnancies. They may also work with your health care provider to create a diet that is going to be healthy for you and your growing baby.

Why Chiropractic Care is Healthy for Pregnant Women

We all know that many changes go on in a woman’s body when she is pregnant. “The body is preparing itself for the baby to develop, and this can cause a number of physical problems, including a misalignment in the spin and joint issues. These issues can lead to poor posture and back issues, as well as changes in the pelvic area. Being able to keep the pelvic area balanced and aligned is a pretty good reason to see a chiropractor during pregnancy,” says Dr. Bret Wickstrom from Corrective Chiropractor.

Not only will chiropractic care relieve pain, it will also help the baby to develop properly. When the pelvis is misaligned, there is less room for the baby to grow, and the baby may not be able to get into the optimal birthing position. This can lead to the inability to have natural childbirth, and the mother will have to undergo a C-section.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care during Pregnancy

While relief from back pain is the first thing that comes to mind when one thinks of visiting a chiropractor, there are actually several benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy. These include:

  • Enjoying a healthier pregnancy
  • Controlling nausea and morning sickness
  • Reducing the amount of time a woman is in labor and delivery
  • Preventing the need for a C-section
  • Relieving pain throughout the body, particularly back, neck, and knee pain

Talk to Your Doctor

If you are considering chiropractic care, and you are pregnant, it is important that you discuss this with your family doctor or OBGYN to make sure that it is going to be safe for you. While chiropractic care is healthy for most pregnant women, there may be situations where health care providers do not think that it is the best course of treatment. It is best to discuss all of the options with your health care provider, and if they do approve chiropractic care, you will have one more person on your team to help ease you through pregnancy and childbirth.

Featured photo credit: Laura Flores via

The post Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy appeared first on Lifehack.

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