lundi 28 décembre 2015

Become A Transformational Leader in Your Industry


Want to become a visionary leader who truly makes an impact in your industry? Sounds like you want to become a transformational leader, people with a unique skill set whom excel at motivating and guiding a team to success. How you become one? Here are a few ways:

Personalize your approach

Transformational leaders understand there is no one size fits all approach to management. No two people can be motivated or managed the same, and a lot of leaders fail to see this. Transformational leaders recognize that some employees need more of a mentor than a manager while others may need a coach or cheerleader. Make it a point to schedule personal time with each of your employees to get a better understanding of how they’re feeling in their role and about the company as a whole. Having this one-on-one time with employees will help build trust and loyalty, two common characteristics of the relationships between employees and transformational leaders. Adapt your management style to your team’s needs to achieve optimal success, and reach the true transformational leader status.

Have a vision

People will not follow any leader without a vision, so as you make your way on your journey to become a transformational leader, be sure to clearly define your long-term goals. Set out the goals and mission of your team or business, how it will be achieved, and what each employee’s role is in achieving it. Be persuasive when you speak so everyone on the team is excited and motivated to help the team achieve the goals. Make it possible for everyone to get involved in some way so they all feel a personal attachment to your vision and are more compelled to follow it. Once it has been established, be sure to frequently revisit this long-term vision in conversations with employees so everyone can have a gentle reminder about their work’s purpose.

Encourage creativity

Transformational leaders push their teams to challenge themselves and strive for greatness using their own skills and passions. By allowing employees to be creative, you’re opening up the doors for them to share ideas and help grow the company. Plus, giving employees the green light to be creative will help establish a positive company culture of team work and collaboration, which is something every transformational leader strives to achieve. Find out what each employee is personally interested in, and see if there’s a way for him or her to use these personal skills and passions in the work place to better the business. Does someone on your team love graphic design? Ask for their input on your marketing materials and website, even if they’re not in the department that usually works on these items! Transformational leaders welcome innovation and change, which can only be created through the creativity of employees, so nurture this and let it grow under your watch.

Do as you say

True transformational leaders will practice what they preach and lead by example. Expect your employees to be ethical when it comes to making deals with clients? Then you should do the same, and if you’re alerted of unethical behavior, act appropriately, don’t let it slide. The team will be watching to see how you handle these situations, so treat them with the seriousness they deserve. Your team will look to you to see how to act, and that includes feeding off your excitement about the business. If you don’t seem interested or passionate about the business you lead, then why should they?

Have we missed out any valuable tips to becoming a thought leader in your field of business? Leave your comments below.

The post Become A Transformational Leader in Your Industry appeared first on Lifehack.

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