jeudi 6 août 2015

Luis Enrique points to defence as key to winning more titles

Luis Enrique believes his team is right about where he expected them to be at this point in the preseason. / MIGUEL RUIZ-FCB
The coach tells reporters after the game that his squad is right where they need to be

In his first post-game press conference of the season at Camp Nou, Luis Enrique was pleased by his team's defensive progress: "We were much better than earlier this preseason ... that's the goal, you can not win anything without being rock-solid on defence," declared the coach.

He said that the team "is where we expected at this stage" but admitted, "We are far from being 100%."

"We try to control the ball more because those are the same situations that we are used to in matches," he added.

Another factor that left Luis Enrique satisfied has been the professionalism shown by the players, especially for players like Neymar and Bravo, who have just started the preseason.

"When they go on vacation, they take the dietary and workout program with them. They know that the better shape they stay in, the easier it is to get back into top form."

Regarding AS Roma Luis Enrique said: "They're a high-level team and it was a good match."

from News at FCB

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