Destiny has a thriving community that endlessly thirsts for more information on Bungie's burgeoning universe. With the launch of our extensive September cover story on Destiny: The Taken King, we explained as much as a cover story can contain, but there were still some lingering questions like "Whose face is on the strange coin?" and "Are there bathrooms on the tower?" The only way to cover as much ground as we need to in an interview with The Taken King's creative director Luke Smith was to take the same approach as our No Man's Sky interview from last year, and rapid-fire our way through dozens and dozens of burning questions. Game Informer's Ben Reeves sat down with Smith at Bungie to ask what's on everybody's mind.
Check out the video interview below to learn more about Destiny's lore, The Taken King's gameplay changes, and Paul McCartney's mortality.
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